How Did We Get Here?
The FrankenMedia Monster is willing to burn down the Village to achieve its goals.
- An assassin came within a fraction of an inch of killing former President Donald Trump while he delivered remarks on a podium in Butler, Pennsylvania (July 13, 2024). A little more than six weeks later and it is as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. The 20 year old assailant died that day, and otherwise we know nothing about how and why it was allowed to happen. The FBI is involved, mostly to cover up and obfuscate. The leading candidate for the upcoming Presidential election should be dead, and if he were, Americanism would have died with him.
-- September 1, 2024
When I wrote Turn Right At Lost: Recalculating America in 2015, I was motivated by the gross incompetence of Barack Obama. I recognized his amazing oratorical skills, his charming demeanor and his appeal to younger voters and females. But his political decision making was not in alignment with America's core values, and it scared me.
I theorized American voters would turn to a rogue non-politician because they no longer trusted the insiders on The Hill in Washington DC.
When Donald Trump became the 45th President, I decided to offer my thoughts on what he faced once the Beltway Brotherhood realized he was not going to go- along-to-get-along, as most Republicans ultimately do. That became my followup book, Trump's Reckoning: Bulldozing Progressivism, Rebuilding Americanism, which I published in 2018.
As the reality of the situation became apparent, the desperation exhibited by the Deep State, to squash any and all efforts by Mr. Golden Hair Surprise, I wrote f'd: For Your Own Good as a way of illustrating how America was entering a near-death experience, and how the FrankenMedia Monster would try to cover their treasonous activity by pushing the narrative that all of their nefarious, seditious activity was all '"for your own good". They said, we need to do this, to override the will of the people, "to protect Our Democracy".
In the meantime, the FrankenMedia Monster, as I noted previously, was willing to burn down the Village to achieve the goals of the Progressive Jihad. They knew Trump would be reelected in a landslide, so the Democcult Party hijacked the 2020 election and placed their Surrogate President in the White House.
Things just kept going downhill from there after the Covid19 virus epidemic was embraced as a potential end-of-the species attack on civilization. To the point where the public was forced to lock down for months, to shut down their family businesses, to wear face diapers in public, to accept experimental drug injections, and to pay exorbitant fees for vital resources like medicine and gasoline. School and church attendance was restricted, putting our children at great risk, while we funded unwinnable foreign wars to the tune of trillions of dollars.
Major urban areas are teeming with homeless, sometimes drugged out zombies, unable to take care of themselves, while American veterans are killing themselves at the rate of 40 per day in 2024. Newly ensconced in the White House, Biden and the Democcults did nothing to help. Well, that is not accurate: they spent public money like drunken sailors, driving up interest rates and housing costs, and reducing the value of our savings, creating a tornado of economic instability unseen since the Carter administration in the late 70's.
In January 2021 Joe Biden stood on the podium at the Washington Mall, before an incredibly small inauguration crowd, and promised to be a unifier. To protect all Americans from discrimination, hatred and hopelessness. To usher in a new and stronger era of American idealism. He was surrounded by Democrats and armed guards, all draped in black robes and wearing black facemasks.
Three and a half years after taking office and promising to run for a second term, Biden decides to bail out and give up his reelection campaign. Was it because he had failed at every promise he made? No, according to his supporters, he was one of America's greatest Presidents, though they can't describe which one of his promises he actually kept. No, they said, he was stepping aside as a gesture of good faith, to allow a new generation of Democcultists to build on his "Unmatched Success".